Well-Being Retreat Client Analysis
by Samantha LippiattAs well as understanding the key well-being travel motivators it is critical when a client requests a particular wellness program to complete a thorough analysis by asking more investigative questions. This is how you uncover exactly what issues they are truly looking to address, or the outcomes they wish to achieve. By completing a comprehensive consultation, you can uncover a lot more insights to recommend the perfect wellness vacation. You can review the program inclusions, hotel facilities, or access to services nearby the hotel or even speak to the hotel on-site wellness team for more advice specific to your client and their needs.
For example, a potential client inquiring about a detox vacation may be seeking to eat more healthily and be more active, which might actually be more in line with a fitness or weight-loss retreat (especially if they can’t live without coffee), and sometimes it can even mean they want to de-stress (common for overworked executives who might think they have to suffer wellness instead of enjoy!) it’s really worth going into more detail about what they’d like to achieve and what inclusions or activities they like or don’t like to help guide you to recommend the right vacation for them.
Example of further analysis for a detox inquiry:
- Is this your first time doing a detox?
- What is the reason you are wanting to do a detox now? (Consider de-stress, holistic re-set, weight management options as alternatives)
- Would you like a detox focused on healthy eating, or would you like a more comprehensive detox?
- Do you want to eliminate something from your diet/lifestyle or would you like something more comprehensive?
Yes – alcohol (Detox programs do not include alcohol but please note these are not generally for the treatment of addiction which requires medical supervision)
Yes – food (Advise detox programs include meals with vegetables, fruit, lean protein, unrefined whole grains, and healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts - and are meat, dairy, wheat, alcohol, and caffeine-free).
I encourage you to familiarize yourself with all the well-being program styles and when it comes to detox always recommend a more holistic approach to nutritional eating, rather than long term fasting for better holistic health and long-term success.
Samantha Lippiatt is an entrepreneur, lifestyle by design advocate and co-founder of dedicated wellness travel company Health and Fitness Travel, which assists travelers from all over the world. Samantha has an unbridled enthusiasm for all things travel, health and fitness and is committed to providing healthy vacations that improve lives.
Learn more about Samantha here.